Electrical engineer, ML researcher

I'm Xavier, an electrical engineer based in New York city. I work with Machine Learning core algorithm, doing research in diverse areas from model archicture, loss functions, ensembling, multi-source adaptation, and transformers.

A short summary

I obtained my M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) in Barcelona, Spain, in 2004. In 2010, I completed my Ph.D. studies at the same institution.

Between 2003 and March 2008, I worked as an Assistant Researcher at the Department of Communications and Signal Theory, Enginyeria i Arquitectura LaSalle. Following that, I joined Phonetic Arts Ltd in Cambridge, UK, which was a video game company dedicated to producing high-quality synthetic speech.

After spending three exhilarating years as a researcher at Phonetic Arts Ltd, we were acquired and moved to Google in London. At Google, I was appointed as a technical lead manager of the research team. After five years, I transitioned to the Research and Machine Intelligence team in Google NY.

I'm now leading the AutoLX team to improve core ML algorithms in areas like AutoML, ML efficiency, ensembles, multi-source adaptation, model architectures, multiple loss functions, and transformers.

This website is a personal platform, and any views expressed here are solely mine and do not represent the opinions of Google.


  1. Company
    Google NY
    Research scientist
  2. Company
    Google UK
    Research scientist
  3. Company
    Phonetic-arts, Cambridge, UK
    Research engineer
  4. Company
    La Salle
    Research engineer
  5. Company
    La Salle
    Intern engineer
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